Planting ideas through images; the making of a documentary.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Field of Dreams

When we first became CSA members, began picking up our boxes of vegetables, and following events at Elsie's farm, I was not aware how deeply invested I would become in the dream, the story, the vision of our friends Don Roberts and Joni Cash, and the interesting cast of characters who had put down stakes in this piece of ground.

No one who starts an organic farm does so with only the dream of making a living. There are easier ways of doing that. A farm like Elsie's is a philosophical venture. It's making a statement about what can exist, what ought to exist, and what kind of life is worth living.

These are the seeds that began to sprout in this particular story.

This blog is for anyone who is interested in organic farming, or documentary filmmaking, anyone who has been a friend of Elsie's farm, or of it's off shoot, Otter Creek Growers, or wants to be. It's about making a film, about telling stories.

And hopefully about contradictions and paradoxes we all face, the simple beauty of hand made food, the politics of green living, with recipes, editing quandaries, poems and anecdotes, and hopefully, your comments.

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